Today’s post is very important to me because the topic I am sharing with You is key in terms of how I perceive faith.
Yes, that is right: a girl writing a christian blog says that she is not a religious person. Because being “religious” in the way I see it is limiting (?) and covers over what should be the core value of our faith.
I was raised in a community where the catholic faith was the most popular one. In a small town where I spent 18 years of my life taking part in services, meetings of church’s groups and being interested in all the stuff happening in the parish were the “must do’s” of a good christian.
Don’t get me wrong: I have nothing against church services and groups (I myself was an active participant of “Dzieci Maryi” and “Światło-Życie” movements). They might be a beautiful part of someone’s faith journey and thanks to their presence Church is still alive. But after many years of my observations finally I am able to name the things that might have been daunting for those who declare themselves as “non-believers” or “believers but non-practising” and discouraged them from getting involved in the church’s life. When we say that we believe in Jesus whose resurrection has the power to change our lives completely, why being closed, non-enthusiastic and stagnant is so common among “religious” people?
An answer to this question might be the words of one of the pastors who now preaches in Cracow:
Following God is a journey. If not, you probably don’t experience what faith truly is.
Because Jesus has the real power to change our lives. He wants us to build a close and intimate relationship with Him, to become friends and to let Him heal us.
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. – John 15:15
For Jesus more important than the time we spend saying the “formulas” of prayers is how much we are open to embark on a journey of relationship with Him.
For I desire goodness, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. – Hosea 6:6
Shall we not be afraid of stepping out of our “catholic” comfort zone. Jesus ate with sinners (Mark 2:15), was against too “religious” approach of pharisees who instead of putting the relationship with God on the first place, were focused on obeying the Jewish law (Matthew 23), Jesus was a revolutionist so we also shouldn’t be scared to revolutionize any religious customs. I firmly believe that this is the first step to the revival of Church which will be a place of meetings with people sharing the same passion of Jesus transforming their lives. He influenced His followers to actually go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation!
Are you tired of “religiousness” that prevents you from experiencing the real impact of Jesus on your life? If you are ready to step into a new way, if you are looking for meaning of life or if you have any questions regarding the topic, feel encouraged to message me!
With love,