Inspirations Lifestyle

Books that changed my perspective on many things

With the arrival of summer, many of us go on vacation, so we finally have time to catch up on books. If your reading list is still incomplete or you would like to get some additional inspiration, I invite you to read today’s post! <3

It’s been a while since I came out with an idea to share with You books that changed my way of thinking and perceiving many issues. I was thinking for a long time which items to choose as the most important ones and I finally decided! The titles listed below are related to the broadly understood topic of self-development: from topics related to mindfulness and spirituality, through (unfortunately) little-known emotional education, to the stage of life in which I and many of you are right now. Two of the four titles I have prepared for you are available only in English, the other ones are also translated to Polish 😀 So grab something to drink or snack on and get inspired <3

  1. Series “The Power of Now”, “A New Earth” – Eckhart Tolle

A very famous series of books written by a German spiritual teacher tells about the extraordinary power of the present moment. Written in an incredibly accessible way, for many readers this series have been a total breakthrough in the way of thinking about life, the past and the future. It was no different with me! Tolle’s thoughts are not directly related to any specific religion, but they draw attention to what they all have in common – focusing on the “here and now.” Reading these books allowed me to travel into the depths of my thinking patterns, fears and anxieties that hadn’t allowed me to enjoy what was present in my life at that moment. In “New Earth”, the author mentions that if every person came to the conclusions collected in this book, the world would never be the same as it is now – full of ego that destroys us. I wholeheartedly recommend this series! <3

2. “The twelve monotasks. Do one thing at a time to do everything better.” – Thatcher Wine

This is a book I came across “accidentally” while looking for inspiration in one of Krakow’s libraries. Part of the popular practice of “mindfulness”, it shows 12 daily activities that can be done in a single-task manner, focusing only on one specific thing at a time. Activities such as commuting to work, eating, studying or walking are often an opportunity to practice the so-called “multitasking”, which – as the author explains – in the long run does not allow us to enjoy the present moment and fully perform specific activities. Wine explains that the moments that we remember in life as the happiest and fullest are those in which we are not overloaded with stimuli, but calmly fulfill our duties “step by step”, drawing joy from the smallest things.

In my opinion, this book is an ideal choice for fans of practical guides that contain advice that can be implemented in “the here and now”. For me, this book was a milestone in working towards a calmer, less overloaded life and self-awareness.

3. “The School of Life: An Emotional Education” – Alain de Botton

Probably one of the most significant books in my life. What made me buy it was the description on the cover – “A book about everything you were never taught in school.” The British author describes, among others: a world of emotions, love, relationships and disappointments in a way that completely changed my perspective on some topics. Alain de Botton gives clear instructions on how to achieve emotional maturity – being aware of the complexity of our existence and influences that govern our perception of ourselves and other people.

Despite the rich and eloquent language, de Botton writes in a very warm, non-judgmental way, which greatly encouraged me to consider how the lessons he presents in his work might be related to my own life. Thanks to this book, I understood that every person is an inexhaustible mine of emotions and experiences, which is why no one can be considered “boring” – we just need enough time and openness to get to know someone. Moreover, the advice from “The School of Life” helps me build a healthy relationship, reminding me that we all have a distorted view of love, which makes us forget that relationships are not only about infatuation, but also about hard work and everyday small gestures of kindness.

If you only want to read one book in your life, “The School of Life” will definitely be worth it.

4. “The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter-And How to Make the Most of Them Now” – Meg Jay

The last point I have prepared for today. This book is aimed at people who are in their 20s and 30s, which the American author calls the “defining decade of life.” The time when we finish education, decide to get our first job and start to think “seriously” about relationships is a fundamental time that will influence our entire future. Meg Jay describes several categories of our lives, such as work, love or the capabilities of our body. Citing the stories of her patients, she draws attention to how each of the decisions we make between the ages of 20 and 30 will define what our adulthood will look like.

I got this book for my 20th birthday from my sister and I think it is one of the best and most enriching gifts that came into my hands at the perfect place and time.

I hope that today’s article will encourage you to read at least one of the titles I mentioned. Each of these books is a great inspiration to change your life for the better and as it’s known- there is always something we can work on.

If You live in Poland, I know that some of these titles are still not easily available there. If You want, contact me personally and I will be happy to lend you my copies or send you a website or recommend a library 😀

With love,


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