Today I want to share with You an idea that both for me and you might be a life’s “game changer”.

Some time ago I was stuck in a period when everything seemed far more difficult than usually and I found it hard to focus on the positive aspects. One evening, tired after another day, or: tired of my negative approach, I came out with a possible solution that would help me refocus on the good.

Every day, no matter what circumstances I will be in, on my Instagram profile I will share a “today’s blessing”. What do I mean by that? An idea of “today’s blessing” is to see even the smallest signs of God’s presence and care in my day-to-day life. I will try to be aware of the beauty, abundance and peace that the Creator fills me with every single day.

Gratitude, joy and positive mind that I want to cultivate in me, must be based on regular practices. Positive outlook on life is not an innate ability. To grow and to see the results, everyday work is needed. To those of You that work out this idea may sound familiar- it works the same way as muscles. To make them grow You need to train regularly and get nourished appropriately.

So how will it work in practice? Let me explain! 🙂 Everyday on my Instagram profile (@toseemoreblog) I will post one thing that was special to me that very day. The topics might differ- a smile from a stranger, a good meal or a meeting with a special person. The key is to see as many different fields of God’s work as possible!

I hope that thanks to this idea You will also be able to name at least one “blessing” each day. To help You reach this goal I will add a special field on my Instagram story where You can share Your own ideas. I really can’t wait to see how many amazing things God is doing in Your life!

A small effort to daily name one “blessing” might have a profound impact on your brain in the long run. By that, You can become a happier, more grateful and satisfied human beings.

God wants us to be joyful and to renew our minds but it is us who are responsible to take up the gauntlet. It is our choice whether this wonderful plan becomes reality or not. Initially you may experience some struggles but the outcomes are worth it!

Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love

and his wonderful deeds for mankind.

Let them sacrifice thank offerings

and tell of his works with songs of joy.

Ps 107: 21-22

What do You thing of this idea? Share Your thoughts in the comments!

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